
How to Overcome Doubt:  Thomas
(John 20:24-29)

1.      If even casually followed professional baseball in past 10 years, will recognize name Dave Dravecky.  He is a former pitcher for San Diego Padres and San Francisco Giants.  Dravecky developed cancer in pitching arm.  After two remarkable comebacks, eventually he had to have his arm amputated.  That was devastating experience and naturally it raised many questions and doubts in his mind about God.  But even during those dark days, Dravecky remained a vibrant Christian openly sharing his faith and confidence in God.  He received letters from people all over country.  Most of the letters were encouraging.  Many asked for advice on how to make it through difficult times.  But one day he received the following letter...
Dear Mr. Dravecky, If there is a God who cares so much about you, why did he allow you to have the surgery in the first place? I have lived 41 years in this old world and have yet to see any piece of genuine evidence that there is anything real about any of those religious beliefs you talk about. God certainly does not love me and has never done a single thing to express that love for me. I have had to fight for everything I ever got in life. Nobody cares about what happens to me and I don't care about anybody else either. Can't you see the truth that religion is nothing more than a crutch used by a lot of weaklings who can't face reality and that the church is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who care nothing for each other and whose faith extends not to their actions or daily lives but is only just a bunch of empty phrases spouted off to impress others?
      How would you respond to a letter like that?  Here’s what Dravecky did.  He wrote back telling the person that he knew how he felt because he had faced the same doubts.  He had wondered if God had abandoned him.  He questioned if anyone cared.  He feared his faith was just empty words.  But then he said that when things seemed the worst, Jesus was there..."I am convinced," Dravecky wrote, "that there is a God. That no matter what happens to me, there is a purpose for it and behind that purpose stands a loving, caring God.”
2.   How does a person overcome doubt to arrive at a faith like that?.  That’s what we are going to focus on in this study.  Everyone struggles with doubt to some degree or another.  Frederick Buechner wrote something that really speaks to me. He worte::  "Whether your faith is that there is a God of that there is not a God, if you don’t have any doubts you are either kidding yourself or asleep.  Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving."
3.   In this session we are going to look at a person for whom faith was not easy....this particular person was not by nature a person of matter of fact, he was by nature a skeptic with rather pessimistic mind set...however, was a person who through long process ended up with a solid faith....referring to Thomas, who more often than not in Christian literature is referred to as "doubting Thomas"....
4.   Unfortunate think of Thomas in that way because one of greatest affirmations of faith in entire Bible came from lips of Thomas....but world has way of forgetting good done by a person and judging him by one glaring mistake...certainly has happened to Thomas....want to look at passage which demonstrates both the doubt and the faith of Thomas...(John 20:24‑29)....

T.S. - Thomas was person who successfully moved from doubt to faith...from his example want to share with you  a couple of thoughts about how to overcome doubt...

I     To overcome doubt we must not be afraid to acknowledge our doubt
1.   I admire Thomas because he refused to pretend to believe something he didn’t really believe...he made no claim to understand something he did not understand...the other disciples had seen the resurrected Lord...they accepted the fact of the they were trying to get Thomas to believe...
2.   The grammatical construction of v.25 indicates there was a real struggle going on between the other disciples and Thomas...the tense of the verb translated “were saying”  implies that the disciples were persistently saying, they kept on saying...and Thomas was just as persistently replying that he would not believe until he saw for himself what they had seen...
3.   What want you see in that is that Thomas was not afraid to acknowledge his doubt and he didn’t allow others to pressure him into claiming to believe something he didn’t really believe...

1.      In Living Above the Level of Mediocrity Chuck Swindoll describes interesting experiment conducted by a psychologist...ten people were asked to look at three lines at three different large sheets of paper...they were asked to raise their hands when the group leader pointed to the longest line...unknown to one of the ten group members, the other nine had been instructed to raise their hands not when the teacher pointed to the longest line but the next longest line...amazingly, 75% of the time when that one person saw the group indicating that the second longest line was really the longest, that person would say that line was longest as well...the group pressure became more convincing than his/her own senses...[Swindoll, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, p.225]
2.      And sometimes, those who are Christians, feel pressure from others to suppress their doubts...they assume that everyone around them must believe, so they too should believe...they end up pretending that their doubts don’t exist...and they never deal with them and they never go away...want you to know that you will never overcome doubt by ignoring it...

II.  To overcome doubt must learn to distinguish between honest doubt and dishonest doubt
1.      Someone has said "doubt is either the agony of an earnest soul or the trifling of some superficial fool."...and it seems to me that whether doubt is “the agony of an earnest soul” or the “trifling of a superficial fool” depends entirely on the attitude of the doubter...some people are honest doubters and others or dishonest, what's the difference between the two, between honest and dishonest doubt?....
2.      The dishonest doubter doesn't really want to know the truth...not in process of trying to discover truth...likes things as are and doesn't want change...Gaston Foote describes dishonest doubters this way: “There are people who do not want to believe in God because they prefer a life of ungodliness. Belief in God would only make them more uncomfortable. There are those who doubt the virtue of others because they do not choose to be virtuous.  There are those who question the honesty of [others] because they themselves prefer to live by dishonest methods.” ...this kind doubter condemned by psalmist when wrote: "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'"
3.      On other hand there are honest doubters...people earnestly searching for and open to truth...people looking for evidence upon which base their belief... while dishonest doubters look for reasons not to believe, honest doubters searching for reasons to believe...

1.      Kind of doubter Thomas was...the doubt Thomas expressed in v.25 was  honest doubt... he basically said,  “When see what you saw...when have evidence you had, I too will believe..."... really, when think about it, no more skeptical than rest of disciples...just wanted to see the evidence for himself...
2.      Important see Lord didn't condemn Thomas for that kind of doubt...He welcomes the questions of those who are honestly seeking Him...was true in case of —
--Nicodemus who questioned how what Jesus told him could be true...
--John Baptist who asked if was really Messiah or should look for another...
--Thomas who had courage express doubts...

1.      Alfred Tennyson, the great poet, was devastated when his friend, Arthur Hallam died...was so filled with  grief and doubt about God, wrote no poetry at all... finally after working his way through darkness of doubt, wrote one of most outstanding poems, "In Memoriam" line in the poem says this:
“There lives more faith in honest doubt,
Believe me, than in half the creeds.”
2.      Starting point in moving from doubt to faith is realizing that doubt, if it's honest doubt, is not bad...

III. To overcome doubt we must not let doubt paralyze us
1.      Interesting thing about Thomas...even though wasn't ready believe in resurrection like other disciples, didn't stop meeting with them....v.26 tells us that eight days after refusing to believe, Thomas still meeting with the group....
2.      See in that something significant...while couldn't bring self to accept fact of resurrection, did continue doing what could do....and because took that small step of faith, when Jesus appeared to them again was there to see for himself....

1.      That's often way is with way of faith....more often than not don't overcome doubt in one giant step...but through series of small steps move from darkness of doubt to light of we have courage to act on faith or insight we have, then it's God's way to provide more faith or insight...
2.      Do you remember a couple of years ago when the streets were covered for days with a layer of ice…driving was to say the least treacherous…during that time Carol’s mom had a medical emergency and need to be taken to the hospital…didn’t know if we could get her there but started off…made it end of our street…kept going…didn’t look too far ahead…just went driveway by driveway and block by block...found that by going step at time was able to reach destination...
3.      That’s how is in journey from doubt to faith...don’t try to make it all at once...take the steps we can...cling to faith we have...walk in light available to us and God gives us more light... and worse thing can do in face of doubt is allow doubt to rob us of faith we respond to it by abandoning those things we do no doubt...
4.      Elie Wiesel tells the story of a prophet who came to a city and delivered his message every day in the marketplace...after a time his ranting became a fixture of the city's life and people regarded him with amusement when they regarded him at all... a small boy, pitying the old man, approached him and said, “Sir, why do you keep crying aloud like this every day, year after year? The people here will never listen to you.”  “I gave up hope that they would listen to me a long time ago,” said the prophet. “I go on crying lest I begin to listen to them.”
5.   To overcome doubt we must cling to and act on the faith that we have...
1.      In paragraph are two statements by Thomas...

--The first in v.25 is statement of doubt..."Unless I shall see in His hands the imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe” --The second, in v.28 is one of the greatest statements of faith in the entire Bible...said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”
2.      How did Thomas move from doubt to faith?...the answer is clear—
            --first, he did not ignore his doubts...didn’t pretend weren’t there..
--second, he was an honest doubter....sincerely desired to know the truth...
--third, had courage to act on insight he had....

3.      That's the way to overcome the doubts which I suspect most, if not all, of us experience at sometime or another in our pilgrimage through this world.... 


(Joshua 6:22-25)

1.   It's rather easy to be judgmental toward some my reading came across several versions of a story which illustrates our tendency to judge others based on superficial, exterior things...about pastor taking a trip across the ocean on an ocean liner...booked a double room but had no idea who his roommate would be prior to the trip...when boarded the ship was distressed to see that the other person assigned to his cabin was a rough looking biker type...had tattoos all over his arms, to many body piercings to count, and was dressed in ragged blue jeans and a sleeveless dirty say the least, the pastor was distraught when he saw his roommate for the week-long voyage...thought to himself, “How will I ever sleep in the same room with this guy.  As soon as I go to sleep he’ll go through my wallet and take my money and anything else of value I have.”...then he came up with a brilliant idea...went to the ships purser and said, “I’ve been assigned a shady looking roommate, and I was wondering if I could leave my valuables in your care during the voyage.”...purser replied, “Of course, sir.  What cabin are you in?” ...when pastor told him purser smiled and said, “That’s strange.  You roommate was just here making the same request!”
2.   That little story is a reminder that we are often too quick in making superficial, unfair judgments about other people...suspect if you and I had lived in the city of Jericho just prior to the time that the city was conquered by the Israelites, we would not have found it rather easy to judge wrongly the person on whom we're going to focus in this session as we continue looking at some of the well-known and not-so-well-known biblical characters...
3.   Rahab was a prostitute by profession...she is not someone we would expect to have much to teach us about faith in God, but surprisingly she does...her story is told in Joshua the interest of time, instead of reading the entire chapter, going to give quick summary of her story...before beginning the military campaign to conquer Canaan, Joshua sent spies into the land to determine the strength of the enemy...two of the spies went to Jericho and found lodging in the house of Rahab...the king of Jericho was informed that spies from the Israelites had entered the city and were staying at the house of Rahab...the king sent guards to Rahab’s house to capture the spies...Rahab had the spiritual discernment to realize that God was on the side of the Israelites, and she hid them telling the king’s guards they had already gone...Rahab’s house was on the city wall...when the king’s men left her house, Rahab lowered the two Israelite spies down from the wall by a rope and they escaped to response to her protecting the guards, she was promised that she nor her family would be harmed when the Israelites conquered the Joshua 6:22-25 we see the fulfillment of that promise...(text)

T.S. – Want to point out two things we can learn about faith from this surprising woman...

I.    Rahab shows us that it is possible for anyone to turn to God in faith
      1.   When I was child my brothers and sister and I had a little saying with which we constantly taunted each other...we would say, "Anything you can do, I can do better!"...thought of that saying this week as studied life of Rahab...if someone like Rahab could become a model of faith, anyone can....if someone like Rahab could transformed by faith, anyone's life can be transformed by faith...
      2.   Rahab had everything working against her--
·         Her gender was against her...Rahab was a woman in a man's culture in which she lived women had no status or authority whatsoever...basically they were considered to be the property of their fathers, husbands, or brothers...
·         Her occupation was against her...wasn't just a woman, but an immoral woman...was a prostitute by profession...we're not told in OT how or why the spies sent by Joshua ended up staying in the house of Rahab...perhaps chose to stay there because wasn't uncommon for strangers to be seen arriving and departing from her house...maybe they were hoping their presence in Rahab's house wouldn't attract undue attention from the authorities in Jericho...
·         Her nationality was against her...she was a Canaanite... they were such wicked, cruel, idolatrous people that God ordered them completely destroyed...they were known for their propensity to sacrifice children to their God’s...this picture is of a Canaanite altar at the Tel of Megiddo in modern day Israel which many scholars say was a place of child sacrifice...
3.   But none of that stopped Rahab from responding to God in faith...when the Hebrew spies came to her home she said an amazing thing...listen to her words from Joshua 2:9,11 - "I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the terror of you has fallen on us ... for the Lord your God, He is the God in heaven above and on earth beneath..."...what an amazing statement of faith to come from the lips of someone like Rahab!...

1.   And she is a reminder that anyone, no matter who that person is or what that person has done, can turn to God in faith and be welcomed into God's family...can you really believe that?... can you believe that no person, no matter how evil and how mean, is beyond the reach of God's grace?...
2.   It seems to me that is a recurring theme in the Scripture...people whom we would give up on...people whom we would relegate to the scrap pile of human history, God seems to delight in reclaiming for himself...before we choose to write off anyone, we would do well to ask, “How does God view this person?”...after-all, God chose to take—
·         An adulterer and murderer like David and make him the greatest king in the history of Israel...
·         A profane fisherman like Simon Peter and make him the leader of his disciples...
·         A hot-tempered young man like John and transform him into the Apostle of love...
·         An angry, belligerent, violent anti-Christian like Saul, and transform him into the church’s greatest missionary and theologian...
3.   And God is still doing that kind of thing today...Rahab reminds us that no-one is outside the realm of God’s grace...the truth is none of us can be good enough to merit God's favor apart from repentance and faith nor can any of us be bad enough to lose God's favor if we turn to him in genuine repentance and faith...John Calvin, the famous reformer said it well when he wrote:  "...those who are most exalted are of no account before God, unless they have faith; and...on the other hand, those who are hardly allowed a place among the profane and the reprobate, are by faith introduced into the company of angels..."[Pink, 839]
      4.   That's one thing we can learn from is possible for anyone can turn to God in faith...

II.  Rahab shows us that when person turns to God in faith the direction of that person's life is changed forever
1.   Because of her faith, the direction of Rahab's life was dramatically the short-term she and the members of her family were spared death when Jericho was destroyed... and in the long-term this Canaanite prostitute was given an honored place in the history of Israel...
2.   Rahab married man named Salmon...their son was named Boaz who married Ruth...Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed who had a son named Jesse who fathered David, the greatest king in the history of Israel...imagine that!...Rahab, the harlot from Jericho, became the great, great grandmother of David!...and in NT she is mentioned by name three times, each time in a positive light... her name is in—
·         Matthew 1 as one of the ancestors of Jesus through the line of Joseph...
·         James 2:25 as an example of someone who put her faith to work...
·         Hebrews 11:31 in that great roll call of the OT faithful...
3.   Of all the people in the world in her day, she would have been viewed among the least likely to have such an honored place in the Word of God...but when she put her faith in God, when she believed God, then God radically changed the direction of her life...

      1.   Andrew Carnegie came to the United States from Scotland as young boy...became largest steel manufacturer in the U.S. one time it is reported he had 43 millionaires working for his company...a reporter asked him how he came to hire 43 millionaires and Carnegie said, "They weren't millionaires when they started working for me.  They became millionaires as a result."...led to follow-up question from the reporter... asked, "How did you develop these men to become so valuable that you have paid them so much money?"...and Carnegie gave interesting and insightful response...said, "You develop people the same way you mine for gold.  When gold is mined, several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold.  But you don't go looking for the dirt.  You go looking for the gold." [INFO Search]

      1.   And when person turns to God in faith, God has way of discovering the gold in that person's life...and that should serve as both a word of encouragement and a word of warning to us...
·         As word of encouragement, we should remember that God has a way of finding the good and positive things in our lives and using them for His work in this world...Jesus demonstrated that ability time and time again...He seemed to delight in finding the gold in people that others had written off...He invested His life in reclaiming such people as Zaccheus, the hated tax collector, or Mary of Magdala, who was reputed to be an immoral’s encouraging to remember that Jesus has a way of looking beyond our weaknesses and frailties to the good and positive things in our lives...
·         As word of warning, we should remember to look for the gold and not for the dirt in the lives of easy it is for us to be critical, condemning, judgmental, and self-righteous toward others... C. S. Lewis, in one of his books, points out that when people become Christians, if they are not careful, their sinning often shifts from the overt, outward, visible sins of lying, cheating, stealing, cursing and swearing, to the more inward, hidden, non-apparent invisible ones ... and among them he lists "a critical spirit"...a spirit of JUDGMENTALISM, a censorious attitude...if God, who has every right to be that way toward us, has chosen not to do so, doesn't it make sense to believe that we should not be that way toward each other?...
1.   There is an interesting story about a school teacher named Dodie Gadient... independent person who decided to travel on her own across American to see the sights she had taught about for many years...she got in her truck and with camper in tow she set out on her afternoon rounding a curve on I-5 near Sacramento in rush-hour traffic, a water pump blew on her truck...she was tired, exasperated, scared, and spite of the traffic jam she caused, no one seemed interested in helping...leaning up against the trailer, she prayed, 'Please God, send me an angel . . . preferably one with mechanical experience.' Within four minutes, a huge Harley drove up, ridden by an enormous man sporting long, black hair, a beard and tattooed arms. With an incredible air of confidence, he jumped off and, without even glancing at Dodie, went to work on the truck. Within another few minutes, he flagged down a larger truck, attached a tow chain to the frame of her disabled truck, and whisked the whole 56-foot rig off the freeway onto a side street, where he calmly continued to work on the water pump. The intimidated schoolteacher was too dumbfounded to talk. Especially when she read the words on the back of his leather jacket: 'Hell's Angels -- California'. As he finished the task, she finally got up the courage to say, "Thanks so much,"...noticing her surprise at the whole ordeal, he looked her straight in the eye and mumbled, "Don't judge a book by its cover....”...with that, he smiled, straddled his Harley, and was gone as fast as he had appeared...[ From the newsletter OUR AMERICA]
2.   Rahab reminds us not to judge people by outward appearances...she is an unlikely person to become a model of faith, but I’m glad she did...because of all the biblical characters on whom we are focusing in this series, she is the one with whom I can most easily identify's a person very much like you and me...a person who made mistakes...who was far less than perfect...but a person--
·         Who turned to God in faith...
·         Whose life was transformed because of her faith...

      May we have the wisdom to follow her example!