Mark 14:1-11
Bible Study Led by Dr. Larry Reynolds)
February 21, 2013
Mindy McCready, a popular 37
year old country and western singer, committed suicide this past Sunday
afternoon. According to news reports,
she went out on the porch of her cabin in rural Heber Springs, Arkansas, the
same porch on which her fiancé took his life about a month ago, shot the dog
that had belonged to her fiancé, and then shot herself. While her ex-husband said that those closest
to her should have seen this coming because of her struggle with substance
abuse and depression, many people were surprised and shocked at her death.
And while the disciples should have seen the death
of Jesus coming, when the event occurred they, too, were surprised and
shocked. In Mark’s Gospel, ever since
chapter 8 where Mark records Peter’s great confession at Caesarea Philippi at
the base of Mt. Hermon that Jesus is the Christ, Jesus had been teaching the
disciples that His destiny was to suffer at the hands of the religious leaders
in Jerusalem and to eventually be killed and after three days be raised from
the dead. And from chapter 8 on, Mark’s
gospel has been building toward the death and resurrection of Jesus.
In our journey through Mark we have come to chapter
14. This chapter begins with a plot to
kill Jesus and ends with Jesus under arrest and standing before His
accusers. In this session we are going
to focus on Mark 14:1-11.
The first eleven verses of Mark 14 contain three
major movements:
14: 1-2 -
The plot to kill Jesus
14: 3-9 -
The anointing at Bethany
14:10-11 - The betrayal by Judas Iscariot
The major difficulty with this passage is the events
do not seemed to be arranged in chronological order. Taken at face value, one would assume that
Mark was saying the anointing at Bethany took place sometime in the middle the
last week of Jesus life. That’s what the
phrase about the Passover being “…two
days off…” in verse 1 would indicate.
However, John’s Gospel says this
event took place “six days before the
Passover” (John 12:1) which would have been on the Friday before
Passion or Holy week.
Does that mean the Bible is contradicting
itself? I don’t think so. A closer look at the text of Mark and the
parallel passage in Matthew (Matthew 26:1-16) indicates that Mark and Matthew
inserted this story of the anointing at Bethany in this place as a partial
explanation of the betrayal of Judas.
Mark 14:3-9 is a flashback to help explain what Judas did in verses
10-11. We saw Mark using this same
literary technique in chapter 6 when he retold the story of the death of John
the Baptist. Interestingly, Luke’s
account of the plot to kill Jesus and the betrayal of Judas is told without the
insertion of the story of the anointing. (see Luke 22:1-6)
The Plot to Kill Jesus (14:1-2)
Verse 1
Passover and Unleavened Bread…” - Originally these were two separate feasts
commemorating the same event, the last plague that caused Pharaoh to allow the
Hebrews to leave Egypt. The requirements for the Passover meal are found in
Exod. 12:1–14, 21–28, 43–51. The procedures for the seven day feast of
Unleavened Bread are found in Exod. 12:8, 15–20 (cf. Num. 28:16–25, Deut.
16:1–8, and Josephus’ Antiquities 3:10:5).[1]
“…two days
away…” – Actually the festival of
Unleavened Bread began on the day after the Passover. So, technically they both could not have been
two days away. However, since these two
observances were so closely related, they were often referred to together as
“The Passover.” This statement indicates
this verse is referring to events that occurred on Wednesday of Holy Week. That’s what the phrase “two days off” in verse 1
suggests. The Passover began at sundown
on Thursday. In Jewish thinking, two
days before that would be anytime on Wednesday prior to sundown.
priests and scribes…” – Matthew tells us this group
gathered in “…the court of the high
priest, named Caiaphas…” giving this plot the official sanction of the
Jewish authorities in Jerusalem.
“…how to
seize Him by stealth, and kill Him…” –
This is nothing new for two other times in Mark’s gospel we are told of the
religious leaders desire to do away with Jesus (Mark 3:6 after a conflict with
them about Sabbath observance and Mark 11:18 after He drove the money changers
and sellers of sacrificial animals out of the Temple. However, this plot seems more organized and
less spontaneous than the other two.
Verse 2 –
during the festival, lest there be a riot…” - Jesus was very popular in Galilee. During
the Passover Jerusalem grew to three times her normal population with pilgrims
from all over the Mediterranean area, many of whom were from Galilee.[2]
Anointing at Bethany (14:3-9)
Verse 3a –
The setting
Bethany…” - A city on the ridge known as the Mt. of
Olives, not far from Jerusalem, was a popular place for pilgrims to sleep
during the three annual mandatory feasts. Every Jewish family who lived close
to Jerusalem was culturally obligated to open their homes to pilgrims.[3]
“…the home
of Simon the leper…” – Obviously, this man did not
still have the disease of leprosy. More
than likely, he was one of several lepers that Jesus healed during His
ministry. But even at that, not many
people would have been in the home of a former leper.
John’s account of this event
implies, while not stating explicitly, that this event took place in the home
of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Putting these two accounts together has led
some to speculate that perhaps Simon was the father of Mary, Martha, and
Verse 3b –
The event
“…there came a woman…” – John identifies her as Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. It is interesting the John mentions her name
but Mark does not. That may be because
Mark’s Gospel is the earliest of the gospels, and he may felt it would have put
Mary in danger by identifying her. John
was written much later, maybe even after Mary’s death, so he felt free to
identify her. It is also interesting
that each of the three
main times we meet Mary in the Scripture, we find her at the feet of Jesus...
first time we see her in Scripture she is sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to
Him teach...
second time we see her she is kneeling at his feet in sorrow over the death of
her brother Lazarus...
then, in this event we see her at Jesus feet in genuine, unselfish worship...
“…with an
alabaster vial…” – This was a round container
with a long, narrow neck and no handles made from white opaque stone from
Alabastron, Egypt. The container,
itself, was costly and would have been used to store only perfumes of great value.
“…broke the
vial…” – So the perfume would flow
more easily. This indicates that she
intended to use every bit of the perfume on Jesus.
it over His head…”
- John wrote that she poured it on
Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair (cf. John 12:3). Both are possible
since Jesus was reclining on a dining couch at the table (cf. Mark 14:18).
Anointing a guest’s head was a common custom at festive Jewish meals (cf. Ps.
23:5; Luke 7:46) but Mary’s act had a greater meaning (cf. Mark 14:8-9).[5]
Verses 4-5 – The reaction of Judas
“…some…” – John makes it clear that Judas
was the instigator of this remark.
denarii…” –
About a year’s wage for the average working person.
to the poor…”
– Giving to the poor during the Passover was an important religious duty. However, John makes it clear that Judas was
not concerned about the poor. He was
concerned about the balance in their treasury because he controlled the money
box and would pilfer money from it for his personal use.
Verses 6-9 – The response of Jesus
poor you will always have with you…” – Jesus was not minimizing the importance of caring
for those with physical needs. He as
simply saying they would have many opportunities to care for the poor, but
their time with Him on earth was rapidly coming to an end.
My body beforehand for the burial…” – Perhaps she understood what the other disciples
did not understand. The same type of perfume was used in burial
preparations (cf. John 19:40).[6]
The Betrayal of Judas
Many theories have
been offered as to why Judas betrayed Jesus.
say he was motivated by sheer greed. He knew the religious authorities were
looking a chance to arrest Jesus in a private place, Judas could make that
happen, and they would pay him for it.
John’s mention of Judas’ stealing from the money box lends some support
to this view.
say he was pre-ordained by God
to be the betrayer and he had no choice in the matter. If that is so, Judas would have no
responsibility for his actions.
say that the name Iscariot means “from Kerioth” which was a city in Judah. That would make Judas the only non-Galilean in the group. Perhaps he never felt like he was accepted by
the other disciples and finally just decided to part ways with them.
say Judas was a zealot and He
wanted to get on with the rebellion against Rome and that is betrayal of Jesus
to the Jewish leaders was an attempt to get Jesus to stir up the crowds to act
decisively against Rome.
I don’t think we will ever know
for sure the motives of Judas.
But when you look at the actions
of Judas and Mary side by side, you see two distinct ways of relating to
Jesus. No matter what his motivation may
have been, Judas was obviously not fully committed to Jesus. On the other hand, Mary gave up her most
precious possession for Him.
as valuable as that alabaster vial of costly perfume was probably a family
heirloom. More than likely it had been
passed down to Mary by her father. Mary probably
had one of two intended purposes in mind for that heirloom:
may have been saving it as a dowry to
attract a husband.
may have been intending for it to be used to anoint her body at her death.
she took that precious inheritance, and gave it all to Jesus. Then John tells us she completed her unselfish
act by wiping his feet dry with her hair.
What an incredible example of total
abandon to Jesus. She gave up her:
and dreams and plans for the future
dignity and pride.
she did it all as an expression of love and adoration to Him.
I don’t know about you, but I cannot help
but be convicted by her act of reckless abandon. How easy I find it to approach God in a
selfish, self-centered way, to pretend to be committed to Him but to hold back
that which I am not ready to give up.
following story from the writings of Wayne Dehoney is a reminder of how we
often approach God.
Ivan the Great was the czar of
all of Russia during the Fifteenth Century. He brought together the warring
tribes into one vast empire. As a
fighting man he was courageous. As a general he was brilliant.
However, Ivan was so busy waging
his campaigns that he did not have a family. His friends and advisers were
quite concerned. They reminded him that there was no heir to the throne, and
should anything happen to him the union would shatter into chaos. “You must
take a wife who can bear you a son.” The busy soldier statesman said to
them that he did not have the time to search for a bride, but if they would
find a suitable one, he would marry her.
The counselors and advisers
searched the capitals of Europe to find an appropriate wife for the great czar.
And find her, they did. They reported to Ivan of the beautiful dark eyed
daughter of the King of Greece. She was young, brilliant, and charming. He
agreed to marry her sight unseen.
The King of Greece was delighted.
It would align Greece in a favorable way with the emerging giant of the north.
But there had to be one condition, “He cannot marry my daughter unless he
becomes a member of the Greek Orthodox Church.” Ivan’s response, “I will
do it!”
So, a priest was dispatched to
Moscow to instruct Ivan in Orthodox doctrine. Ivan was a quick student and
learned the catechism in record time. Arrangements were concluded, and the czar
made his way to Athens accompanied by 500 of his crack troops--his personal
palace guard.
He was to be baptized into the
Orthodox church by immersion, as was the custom of the Eastern Church. His
soldiers, ever loyal, asked to be baptized also. The Patriarch of the Church
assigned 500 priests to give the soldiers a one-on-one catechism crash course.
The soldiers, all 500 of them, were to be immersed in one mass baptism. Crowds
gathered from all over Greece.
What a sight that must have been,
500 priests and 500 soldiers, a thousand people, walking into the blue
Mediterranean. The priests were dressed in black robes and tall black hats, the
official dress of the Orthodox Church. The soldiers wore their battle uniforms
with of all their regalia--ribbons of valor, medals of courage and their
weapons of battle.
Suddenly, there was a problem.
The Church prohibited professional soldiers from being members; they would have
to give up their commitment to bloodshed.
After a hasty round of diplomacy,
the problem was solved quite simply. As the words were spoken and the priests
began to baptize them, each soldier reached to his side and withdrew his sword.
Lifting it high overhead, every soldier was totally immersed-everything
baptized except his fighting arm and sword. [Dr. Wayne Dehoney, Walnut Street Baptist Church,
The Pulpit]
The un-baptized arm. That
is the way of Judas—the way of claiming commitment that is not really
there. On the other hand, there is the
way of Mary—the way of radical self-abandon to God. One way leads to spiritual death and the
other way leads to spiritual life. May
we choose wisely!
[1] Utley, R.
J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I
& II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (173). Marshall, Texas: Bible
Lessons International.
[2] Utley, R.
J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I
& II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (173). Marshall, Texas: Bible
Lessons International.
[3] Utley, R.
J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I
& II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (174). Marshall, Texas: Bible
Lessons International.
[4] Walvoord,
J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An
Exposition of the Scriptures (Mk 14:3). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[5] Walvoord,
J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An
Exposition of the Scriptures (Mk 14:3). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[6] Utley, R.
J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I
& II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (175). Marshall, Texas: Bible
Lessons International.