Hebrews 7:1-28
I have
listened several times to the beautiful soundtrack of Andrew Lloyd Weber's The
Phantom of the Opera ...one of the things about that musical I find so
interesting is how the Weber uses repetition of the song "Music of the
Night" to tie the musical together...just when your mind begins to
wander, the melody of "Music of the Night" can be heard softly
in the background calling you back to the main theme of the musical...
That is
something of what the writer of the book of Hebrews does to keep the major
theme of the book before the reader...we have seen that the main theme of
Hebrews is the superiority of Jesus Christ as our high priest...so for in our
study of Hebrews we have seen that Jesus is superior to the angels (ch.1-2), to
Moses (ch.3), to the priests of Judaism (ch.5), and to Abraham (ch.6)... It is the writer’s purpose in this section to show that
the priesthood of Christ is better than that of Aaron’s (whose successors were
at that time ministering on earth, 8:4) because His priesthood is of a superior
order (chap. 7). It is ministered under a superior covenant (chap. 8), in a
superior sanctuary (chap. 9), because of a superior sacrifice (chap. 10).[1]
And to drive
that point home, the writer again and again repeats a favorite statement...that
statement is that Jesus is a high priest "according to the order of
Melchizedek"...that statement is repeated at least six times in
Hebrews...we've come to passage in Hebrews which deals in some detail with this
mysterious OT character named Melchizedek...look at Hebrews 7
There is
much speculation about the identity of Melchizedek... some people take the
statements in v.3 about him being "without father, without mother,
without genealogy..." to mean he was not a person like we
are...they say he was either an angel who took on a human form or he was a
preincarnation of Jesus, Himself...however, he couldn't have been an angel
because the Bible says he was a priest and the Scripture makes it clear that
the priesthood is a human not an angelic function...and he couldn't have been
Jesus because v.3 describes him as being "made like the Son of
God" not being the Son of God...
So who was Melchizedek? I agree
with Warren Wiersbe who writes, "He was a real man, a real king, and
a real priest in a real city."... but since there is no record of
his birth or death there it's as if he is still living and serving as a high
priest...he is a picture, a foreshadowing of Jesus, the great eternal high
Notice that
verse1 describes this OT character as "Melchizedek, king of
Salem..."...then verse 2 tells us the meaning of those words..."Melchizedek"
means righteousness..."Salem" which is a
shortened form of Jerusalem from the Hebrew word shalom means peace...so
his name is "righteousness, king of peace"...and in that is a
very important biblical principle...that principle is true peace always follows
righteousness...until a person experiences righteousness (which just means
rightness with God) that person will not have peace in his/her life...that
principle surfaces time and again in the Scripture...for example--
32:17 - "And the work of righteousness shall be peace, and the
effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever."
--Romans 5:1
- "Therefore being justified [made righteousness] by faith, we have
made peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Jesus’ priesthood (Melchizedek)
is superior to Aaron’s because the Levitical priests (through Abraham) paid
tithes to Melchizedek (vv.4-10)
This is rabbinical exegesis. Since Levi the tribe of Aaron
is descendant from Abraham, then the Jewish priesthood (i.e. even the High
Priest) paid tithes to Melchizedek. Therefore, Melchizedek is superior and
Jesus is superior to Jewish priests.[2]
Jesus’ perfect priesthood (Melchizedek) replaced Aaron’s
imperfect priesthood (vv.11-19)
The Levitic line of priesthood was imperfect (7:11–12). It
was necessary for God to draw the new priesthood from a new line, Judah from
whom Jesus came (vv. 13–15). Because of his endless life, Jesus is a priest in
the order of Melchizedek (vv. 16–17).[3]
“better hope” (v.19) – This is a recurrent theme in Hebrews:
1. much better than the angels (cf. 1:4)
2. better things concerning you (cf. 6:9)
3. lesser is blessed by the greater (cf. 7:7)
4. a better hope (cf. 7:19)
5. a better covenant (cf. 7:22)
6. with better sacrifice (cf. 9:23)
7. a better possession (cf.10:34)
8. a better resurrection (cf. 11:35)
9. God has provided something better (cf.11:40)
10. the sprinkled blood speaks better (cf. 12:24)[4]
Jesus’ priesthood is superior to Aaron’s because it is
sealed by an oath (vv. 20-22)
While God acknowledged Aaron and his successors in the
elaborate ceremonies described in Ex. 28–30, we have no record of a divine oath
that sealed their priesthood.[5]
God’s promises
can be trusted because His character and power stand behind them (cf. Isa.
46:10). This oath is a reference to Ps. 110:4, which is discussed in Heb.
(surety) (v.22) - The Hebrew background is “a pledge put in the hand,” which
implies surety. It came to be used in Greek for collateral on a loan or a jail
bond. Also, in Roman law it stood for that which was legally secured. Jesus is
the Father’s surety of the effectiveness of the new covenant.[7]
Jesus’ priesthood is superior to Aaron’s because is eternal
as opposed to temporary (vv. 23-25)
The Law was holy and good, but it was limited by the
frailties of the flesh. Aaron died; his sons after him also died. The
priesthood was as good as the man, and the man did not last forever. But Christ
lives to die no more! He has an unchanging priesthood because He lives by the
power of an endless life.[8]
Hebrews 7:25 is one of the most
beautiful verses in the Bible...John MacArthur, in his commentary on Hebrews
says, "Like John 3:16, [Hebrews 7:25] contains the whole essence of
the gospel.".
the verse begins with the phrase, "Hence, also, He is able to
save..."...important understand this verse is concluding statement
of all that has been said before in this chapter… Jesus the perfect High Priest
is compared with the lesser priests of Israel...while the priests of Israel
could offer sacrifices which partially and temporarily covered sin, Jesus
became the sacrifice who removes sin permanently...Because Jesus was perfect -
without sin...because He offered Himself on the cross as the sacrifice for our
sins...He and only He is able to save...
know that making such a claim runs directly contrary to the prevailing spirit
of our culture...our culture says there are many paths to God...and that one
path is just as good as another as long as a person is faithful, sincere, and
consistent...and I realize that evangelical Christians are often criticized and
labelled as narrow and bigoted and close-minded for claiming that Jesus is the
only way to God....But the reason we make that claim is because that is exactly
what the Bible teaches...the Scripture states it so clearly in Acts 4:12 - "And
there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that
has been given among men, by which we must be saved."...and Jesus
said in John 14:6 -"I am the way and the truth and the life, and
no-one comes to the Father but through me."
Notice this verse describes those
people who experience salvation as "those who draw near to God
through Him"...it's not the drawing near which saves us...Jesus
saves us...but the result of our salvation is that the enmity between us and
God is ended...the chasm has been spanned...the separation has been closed...And
one of the main themes of the book of Hebrews is that Jesus makes it possible
for us to draw near to God...five times in Hebrews the writer uses the phrase "draw
near" to describe the result of salvation...
--Hebrews 4:16 tells us to "draw
near with confidence to the throne of grace..."
--Hebrews 7:19 tells us we can "draw
near to God" because of the hope/assurance we have in Jesus...
--This verse (Hebrews 7:25) tells
us we can "draw near to God through Him [Jesus]..."
--Hebrews 10:1 points out that
it's not the law but Christ which makes it possible for us to "draw
near" to God...
--Hebrews 10:22 instructs us to "draw
near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith" because we
have been cleansed by Jesus...
A.T. Robertson, the great Greek
scholar, points out the verb translated "draw near"
comes from a word which means "to approach reverently and with respect
for the purpose of worship"...however, the writer of Hebrews softens
the word immensely...because of what Jesus has done for us, we can approach God
not as some distant, uncaring deity but as a compassionate, loving
Father...Like a child cuddles in the lap of a loving parent, so we have the
privilege of cuddling in the lap of God...
The first part of v.25 tells us
that Jesus "is able to save forever..."...the
last part of the verse tells us why that is true..."...since He
always lives to make intercession for [us]" Do you see the
beautiful picture in that? Do you see
what this verse is saying about the security, the permanence of our
salvation?...one writer put it this way:
"The security of our
salvation is Jesus' perpetual intercession for us. We can no more keep ourselves saved that we
can save ourselves in the first place.
But just as Jesus has power to save us, He has power to keep us. Constantly, eternally, perpetually Jesus
Christ intercedes for us before His Father.
Whenever we sin He says to the Father, 'Put that on My account. My sacrifice has already paid for it.'"
[MacArthur, p.201]
Once we have entered a faith
relationship with God through Jesus Christ, it is the power of Christ which
keeps us in that relationship...salvation is permanent...
Verses 26-28 basically restate the main themes of this
Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s
expository outlines on the New Testament (694). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
Utley, R. J. (1999). Vol. Volume 10: The Superiority of the New Covenant: Hebrews.
Study Guide Commentary Series (71). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons
Fields, W. C. (1972). Hebrews. In H. F. Paschall & H. H. Hobbs (Eds.), The teacher's Bible commentary (H. F.
Paschall & H. H. Hobbs, Ed.) (777–778). Nashville: Broadman and Holman
Utley, R. J. (1999). Vol. Volume 10: The Superiority of the New Covenant: Hebrews.
Study Guide Commentary Series (71). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons
Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s
expository outlines on the New Testament (695). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
Utley, R. J. (1999). Vol. Volume 10: The Superiority of the New Covenant: Hebrews.
Study Guide Commentary Series (73). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons
Utley, R. J. (1999). Vol. Volume 10: The Superiority of the New Covenant: Hebrews.
Study Guide Commentary Series (74). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons
Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s
expository outlines on the New Testament (695–696). Wheaton, IL: Victor