2 Peter 1:3-4

2 Peter 1:3-4
(A Bible Study Led by Dr. Larry Reynolds)
February 27, 2014
1.      I recently read about young mother who was preparing lunch for her 5 year old daughter...opened a new bottle of ketch-up and was doing her best to get the ketch-up to come out of the bottle...was beating on the bottom of the bottle when the telephone rang...thinking the ketch-up was just about to start flowing and not wanting to stop, the mother said, “Honey, would you answer the telephone for me?”...the little girl walked into another room picked up the telephone and had a brief conversation with the caller...when she returned to the kitchen the mother asked, “Who was it?”...the little girl said, “It was the preacher.”...the mom said, “What did he want?”...and little girl replied, “I don’t know.  When I told him you were hitting the bottle he said he would call back at another time.”
2.      Story reminds me that sometimes the simplest things in life can be misunderstood...while I don’t think it’s accurate to characterized the Christian life as simple, I do think that we have a tendency to make it more complex that it needs to be and to misunderstand the life to which God calls us...
3.      In first chapter of 2 Peter the Apostle Peter gives to us a beautiful, well thought out description of the Christian life...I think his purpose in writing this chapter was to make sure that we don’t misunderstand the life to which we are called in Christ...in 2 Peter 1 at least 7 specific things about the Christian life are spelled out...
·         Of equal standing before God (v.1)
·         Of grace, peace, and knowledge (v.2)
·         Of power and promise (vv.3-4)
·         Of personal discipline (vv.5-9)
·         Of perseverance (vv.10-11)
·         That is rooted in an historical event (vv.12-18)
·         That is focused on God’s Word (vv.19-20)
4.      We have already dealt with 2 of those 7 things...
--from 2 Peter 1:1 we saw that the Christian life is a life of equal standing before God...in God’s kingdom there are no second or third class citizens...we saw from verse 1 that we are all the same before God...that is true because we all are saved in the exact same way--through faith in Jesus Christ...
--from 2 Peter 1:2 we that the Christian life is a life of knowledge...as recipients of God’s grace we are privilege to be characterized by a growing, intimate, personal knowledge of Him...
In this session we will focus on verses 3-4 which tell us the Christian life is a life of power and promise...
5.      All of us have three dimensions to our lives...we have a past...a present... and a future...it is interesting that for those who come to faith in Jesus, God makes full and complete provisions for every dimension of life...we find in Christ--
--forgiveness for the past...
--strength for the present...
--hope for the future...

In the first part of first chapter of 2 Peter, Peter alludes to God’s provision for each of these three dimensions of life...
--vv.1-2 speak of the salvation and grace that we have received through faith in Christ... it is this salvation and grace which provides us cleansing/ forgiveness for the past...
--v.3 speaks of God’s provision for the present...He gives us strength/power for living today...
--v.4 speaks of God’s promises which provide for our future...
1.      The first part of v.3 tells us that God’s “...divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness...”...that is an amazing statement and it needs to be broken down phrase by phrase to be understood...
--”His divine power” - The word translated power is “dunamis”...same word used in Acts 1:8 where Jesus said, “You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you...” …our words dynamite and dynamo both come from the word dunamis...and those words provide for us a clue as to what kind of power is being described by this word...it is explosive power like dynamite and it is continuing/lasting power like a dynamo or generator...and the key thing I want you to see in the phrase “...His divine power...” is that this power comes from God...it does not originate with us...it is not dependent on our intellectual ability or our physical strength or our cleverness or our stamina...it is  God power...
--”...has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness” - Important not to misread that phrase...not “has granted to us everything...”...to stop with the word “everything” will cause you to misinterpret the purpose of God’s power in our lives...and too many people stop with that word...
--the purpose of God’s power in our lives is not to grant us “everything” in terms of financial resources...

--the purpose of God’s power in our lives is not to grant us “everything” in terms of physical health...
Look carefully at what this verse says...it says God’s “...divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness...”
--word translate “life” in this context refers to our spiritual well-being...it’s the way Jesus used the word when He said in John 10:10, “I come that you might have life and have it in abundance...”
--the word translated “godliness” is very interesting...it’s a compound word...first part means good or well...second part means to be devout or to worship...the word carries the idea of worshiping well or being very devout...this word is used several times in the NT to summarize what God expects from believers..
And when Peter says that God’s “divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness...” he is saying that God has given us everything we need to live in the present the life to which he calls us...

2.      Want to make one quick point of application from this verse to our lives...if God has really already given us “everything pertaining to life and godliness” it logically follows then that we don’t need more...unfortunately, many Christians just don’t understand that...they always seem to be looking for more...a deeper revelation...a new experience...a more powerful feeling ...and they think without such things they can never live the life they should...
3.      The people to whom Peter addressed this letter may have been thinking like that...early in the history of the church some false teachers arose claiming to have secret knowledge or special insights that no-one else had...they were teaching that unless believers were privy to their carefully guarded spiritual secrets they were in some way spiritually inferior...but in this verse Peter repudiates such thinking...says we already have what we need...
4.      Warren Wiersbe in his commentary on 2 Peter illustrates this principle this way...he says just as baby is born with a full genetic structure to enable that baby to grow into a mature adult, so when a person is born again (becomes a Christian) that person receives from Christ a complete spiritual genetic structure to enable that person to grow into a mature Christian [Wiersbe, Be Alert, p12]...doesn’t mean we should be stagnant...stop growing ...stop maturing...but does mean that in Christ we already have all that we need...
Notice how Peter describes the promises of God in that verse... he calls them “precious and magnificent”...
--”precious” which is one of Peter’s favorite words, means highly valued or very costly...was used to describe something which obviously had great value...didn’t need an expert appraisal, could tell just by looking that the object was very costly...that’s how God’s promises are, Peter says...on their face it is obvious they have great value...
--”magnificent” - The root of that word is the Greek word megas from which our word mega comes...it means large, huge, of great significance...
What is it that makes God’s promises to us highly valued and very significant?  In 2 Peter 1:4 the Scripture answers that question in two ways...
God’s promises are precious and magnificent because of their source
1.      There’s an important thing about 2 Peter 1:4 want you to see...notice begins with the phrase “For by these...”...”For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises...”....that phrase looks back to the end of v.3 where the “glory” and “excellence” of God are mentioned...those are two great words...
--”glory” comes from a word which originally meant reputation or fame...
--”excellence” is sometimes translated virtue and it refers to excellence of character...
2.      And what Peter is saying by beginning this verse about God’s promises with the phrase “For by these...” is that the promises of God rest upon His reputation and His character...we can depend on them...rely on them...trust them because they come from God, Himself...
1.      Sounds redundant and elementary to say God’s promises are from God... but it is important that we not overlook that...Peter does not speak in this verse of just “...precious and magnificent promises...”...he speaks of “...His precious and magnificent promises...”...and that pronoun “His” makes all the difference in the world...the promises are great because they come from a great God!...
2.      Obviously, a promise is only as good as the person making the promise... if the “promiser” is unreliable, then the promise is unreliable...but if the “promiser” is reliable, then the promise is reliable as well...

God’s promises are precious and magnificent because of their purpose

1.      It would not be inaccurate to describe the Bible itself as a book of promises...someone has calculated that there are approximately 3000 promises in God’s Word...in this verse Peter sums up the purpose of God’s promises to us…that purpose is ”...that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature...”

2.      The biblical message is that we have in us the “imago deo” - the image of God...God made us to be like Him...but we have chosen our way over His way...disobedience over obedience...and because of that we have fallen and we are less than God intended for us to be...and all the promises God gives us in Scripture are aimed at reconciling that relationship and renewing that divine nature which God has placed inside of us...

3.      Think that is what Peter means when says at end of this verse that through the divine nature God has given us we have “...escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust...”

4.      What want you to see in all that the purpose of God’s promises to us is to equip us to live the full, complete, meaningful lives God created us to live...



I remember reading about a very poor family from Europe taking a ship to the United States....on night before they sailed, some friends gave them a basket of bread and cheese for the journey...and that is all the family had to eat for the first few days of the trip...finally tired of stale bread and moldy cheese, the sone begged his father for something different...the father took a small portion of their limited funds and allowed the son to search the ship for food to purchase...when the boy did not immediately return, the father went to look for him...he found the boy sitting at a large table in the dining room which was covered with food...the father was stunned...he knew the small amount of money he had given his son could not possibly cover the cost of such food...he chastised the boy for bringing shame on the family by eating food for which they could not pay...and the boy said, “But father, you don’t understand.  All of this food is included in the cost of our passage.  We could have been eating here every day!” [Raymond H. Bailey, quoted in Brian’s Lines, V.18, Issue 2, March/April, 2002, p.23] 


And like that uninformed family, many Christians are trying to live on stale spiritual bread and moldy cheese when in reality God’s “divine power has granted to us…” and we are the recipients of “His precious and magnificent promises…”


2 Peter 1:1-2

2 Peter 1:1-2

(A Bible Study Led by Dr. Larry Reynolds)

February 6, 2014


Background to 2 Peter

If you are the kind of person who naturally pulls for the underdog, you will feel an affinity for the little letter of 2 Peter.  Along with James, Jude, 2 John, and 3 John, this letter falls into that category of New Testament books whose authorship and authenticity were questioned from the early days of the Christian era.  However, over time, the usefulness of these books to the early church caused them to be included in the canon of the New Testament.  By the time of the Council of Carthage in AD 397, the place of all of these books had been firmly established among the 27  books of the New Testament.  However, that did not end the debate regarding 2 Peter.  Even great reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin tended to view 2 Peter with suspicion. 


I will not go into all the critical arguments for and against the authenticity of 2 Peter.  If you are interested in that sort of thing, there is plenty of material in commentaries and on the web for you to explore.  My position is that 2 Peter is an authentic part of the New Testament and that Peter wrote this book somewhere in the late 60’s AD, not long before his martyrdom in Rome.


Purpose of 2 Peter

Peter knew that his time of death was rapidly approaching (see 2 Peter 1:14).  His desire was to impart as much knowledge and direction as possible to the struggling Christian congregations before his departure from this world.  “The message of 2 Peter is one of pastoral encouragement, support for living the Christian life, prophetic warning against false doctrine, and concerned attention to proper preparation for the day of judgment.” [LBC, Valentine, p.121]  2 Peter 3:1-2 summarizes the purpose of this letter.


General Outline of 2 Peter

Chapter 1 – An overview of the Christian life

Chapter 2 – Warnings regarding false teachers and dangerous heresies

Chapter 3 –  Words of encouragement and assurance in light of the promise of the Lord’s return


2 Peter 1 reveals seven specific things about the Christian life.  In this chapter Peter reminds his readers that the Christian life if a life:

·         Of equal standing before God (v.1)

·         Of grace, peace, and knowledge (v.2)

·         Of power and promise (vv.3-4)

·         Of personal discipline (vv.5-9)

·         Of perseverance (vv.10-11)

·         That is rooted in an historical event (vv.12-18)

·         That is focused on God’s Word (vv.19-20)


Verse 1 – The Christian life is a life of equal standing before God

In many ways, this verse is typical of the salutation in most New Testament letters.

·         The writer – “Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ…”

o   “Simon”This is literally “Simeon.” This is Peter’s Hebrew name, and the name of one of the Twelve tribes. This same form appears only in Acts 15:14. If this letter were a pseudonym, the author surely would have used the more common spelling “Simon.”[1]

o   “Peter” - This is literally Petros, which is Greek for a large rock or boulder. It was the nickname given to Simon by Jesus in Matt. 16:18 and also John 1:42. In this passage in John the Aramaic term Cephas is mentioned. In daily conversation Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew nor Greek. Paul often uses Cephas (cf. 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:22; 9:5; 15:5; Gal. 1:18; 2:9, 11, 14).[2]

o   “a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ” -  Notice the order of the words.  Near the close of his life, at the apex of his apostolic authority, he was Christ’s servant first, and His apostle second.[3]


·         The readers – “…to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours…”

o   “to those” – Since Peter mentions in chapter 3 this is “the second letter I am writing to you” it is presumed the recipients were those same churches scattered throughout the provinces of Asia Minor (see 1 Peter 1:1)

o   “received” – The word carries the idea that the thing being received is not the result of the activity of the one receiving but of the one giving.  It is a reminder that in Jesus we are the recipients of “the free gift of God [which is] eternal life.” (Romans 3:23).

o   “faith” – This word (from the Greek word pistis) is used several ways in Scripture

§  Sometimes it refers to what a person believes or the content of belief.  The Greek word can be translated both belief and faith.

§  Sometimes it refers to the act of believing, like when we say “I have faith” meaning “I believe.”

§  Sometimes faith is a synonym for salvation.  That is how the word is used in this verse.  This letter is written to those who have received salvation.

o   “of the same kind” – This phrase translates a single word, isotimos.  This is a compound word, the first part meaning equal and the second part meaning value.  It carries the idea of having equal value or worth or standing.

o   “as ours” – A reference to the Apostles.


Putting all that together, Peter is making an amazing statement to his readers.  He is saying that every believer in Jesus Christ has the exact same standing in the eyes of God.  There is no privileged class and there are no second or third class citizens in the kingdom of God.  Not even the Apostles like Peter—those who were privileged to walk with Jesus, to see Him with their own eyes, to witness His miracles, to see and touch the resurrected Lord—have any special advantage of any other believer!


One writer put it this way:    “Even the weakest believer holds in his hands all that the mightiest saint ever possessed.”  [Ray Stedman].  That is an amazing thought.  Everything that Peter or Paul or James or John had, we also possess!  We have received from God the exact salvation, the exact standing that they received.


Verse 2 – The Christian life is a life of grace, peace, and knowledge - This verse is typical of many NT salutations in that it mentions “grace and peace.”  Every one of Paul’s letters, except the two letters to Timothy, begin with a pronouncement of “grace and peace” upon the readers. Peter follows that same formula in 1 Peter and here in 2 Peter. In that sense, this salutation is typical. But it is unusual in that it is the only salutation in the NT in which “the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” is mentioned. 


The concept of knowledge permeates the book of 2 Peter.  No less than 13 times in the 3 chapters of 2 Peter you will find the words “know” and “knowledge.”  This letter opens with a reference to knowledge and closes with a reference to knowledge.  And in between, time and time again, Peter addresses that subject.  Verse 2 tells us two significant things about the knowledge that should characterize those who follow Christ.


·         The knowledge of the Christian life is a growing knowledge as opposed to a static knowledge

o   In Greek the basic word for knowledge is “gnosis”...most of the time that is the word used in the NT to convey the idea of knowledge...but there is another word which is sometimes used...not “gnosis” but “epignosis”...that is the word Peter uses here...the word “epignosis” is formed by taking the preposition “epi” which means “toward” or “in the direction of” and placing it before the normal word for knowledge, “gnosis”...thus “epignosis” means a knowledge which is moving toward or in the direction of that which it seeks to know...”epignosis” of God is knowledge which is constantly moving toward God...it’s not stuck in one place...it is ever growing...

o   Point I want to make is that our lives should be characterized by an ever increasing knowledge of God...at the very end of this book Peter instructs us to “...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...”...we should never be content with where we are...we should never be content with what we know of Him...we should always be striving, always be growing, always be maturing in our knowledge of God...


·         The knowledge of the Christian life is more relational than informational

o   When Peter speaks of “the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” he is not talking about a head knowledge...he talking about a heart knowledge...he’s not intellectualizing Christianity...he’s not saying the essence of being a Christian is what you know...basically, he’s saying the essence of being a Christian is WHO you know!...

o   Now don’t misunderstand me at this point...the Bible does not teach that Christianity is anti-intellectual...does not teach that Christians should be intellectually lazy...I fear that too many Christians know too little about the belief they profess to have...while we should guard against a type of Christianity which is characterized by a “head knowledge which never touches the heart” we should also guard against a “heart knowledge which never touches the head”...we must understand intellectual what God has done and what God desires from us if we’re going to explain and defend our faith to the world...

o   However, we must never forget that the knowledge of the Christian life must never be restricted the realm of the mind or the intellect...it must extend to the heart or the emotions...the kind of knowledge Peter is referring to in this verse is the kind which grows out of personal relationship with the Lord...it’s not so much knowing about Him as it is knowing Him...it’s the kind of knowledge Paul was talking about in 2 Timothy 1:12 when he said, “I know [not what but] whom I have believed...”


            Some years ago at a drawing-room function, one of England's leading actors was asked to recite for the pleasure of his fellow guests. He consented and asked if there was anything special that his audience would like to hear. After a moment's pause, an old clergyman present said: "Could you, sir, recite to us the Twenty-third Psalm?" A strange look passed over the actor's face; he paused for a moment, and then said: "I can, and I will, upon one condition; and that is that after I have recited it, you, my friend, will do the same." "I," said the clergyman, in surprise. "But I am not an elocutionist. However, you wish it, I will do so." Impressively, the great actor began the psalm. His voice and his intonation were perfect. He held his audience spellbound; and as he finished, a great burst of applause broke from the guests. Then, as it died away, the old clergyman arose and began the psalm. His voice was not remarkable; his intonation was not faultless. When he had finished, no sound of applause broke the silence, but there was not a dry eye in the room, and many heads were bowed. Then the actor rose to his feet again. His voice shook as he laid his hand upon the shoulder of the old clergyman and said: "I reached your eyes and ears, my friends; he reached your hearts. The difference is just this: I know the Twenty-third Psalm, but he knows the Shepherd." [The War Cry, from the web site elbourne.org]


2 Peter 1:1-2 reminds us that it is the privilege of every follower of Jesus to have a growing, personal knowledge of the Lord.

[1] Utley, R. J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (274). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons International.
[2] Utley, R. J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (274). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons International.
[3] Gangel, K. O. (1985). 2 Peter. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, Ed.) (2 Pe 1:1a). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.