1 Peter 3:10-12

I Peter 3:10-12
(A Bible Study Led by Dr. Larry Reynolds)
September 12, 2013
1.      1 Peter 3:10-12 is a natural progression from the previous two verses.  We have seen that in verses 8-9 Peter lists six qualities that should be in the lives of all believers.  Now, in verses 10-12, to underscore the importance of these qualities, Peter directs us to a passage in the Old Testament.  Verses 10-12 are a quote from Psalm 34:12-14.  That says to me that the instructions in these verses are so important that God saw to it that they were included in the Bible twice!  And it is vitally important to our well-being that we understand and follow what is being said in this part of God’s Word.
2.      The older I get the more precious (and limited!) I realize life is.  As James said, our time in this world is like a vapor.  We are here and then we are gone.  And the closer I come to the end of my time in this world, whenever it may be, the more I want to get out of this life.  These verses tell us how to do that.
3.      That is essentially the meaning of the first phrase of verse 10 - “Let him who means to love life and see good days…”  In other words, if you want to get the most out of life, here is how to do it.  It is my conviction that God want us to have the best life possible.  Jesus said in John 10:10, “…I come that you might have life and have it abundantly…”  Following this introductory statement, these verses tell us two things we need to do to get the most out of life.

I.       To get the most out of life, we should watch how we talk
1.      Verse 10 tells us that we are to “refrain [our] tongues from evil and [our] lips from guile.”...that is, we are not to speak in such a way that others are injured, beaten down, hurt by what we say...
2.      In the book James, Faith that Works Kent Hughes lists four types of speech which are harmful to others...the first word on his list is--
--gossip - This is something we have made so many jokes about that I fear don't take it seriously enough...need understand a careless, thoughtless word about another person can cause great harm...gossip not just telling something which is untrue; it is telling something which doesn't need to be told...before say anything about any person, need ask ourselves, "Is what I'm about to say going to help or hurt the person involved? Does it really need to be said or is it better left unsaid?"...second word on his list is...
--innuendo - Kent Hughes calls this the cousin of gossip...tells of first mate on ship who was angry at captain for writing beside his name in the ship's log, "First mate drunk today"... so when captain wasn't looking made his own entry into log... wrote, "Captain is sober today"...that’s innuendo...sometimes, not what we say but what we don't say which becomes destructive ...that raised eyebrow or awkward silence or quizzical look can be just as damaging as mis-spoken word...third type of harmful speech on his list is...
--false flattery - Someone has said, "Gossip is saying behind a person's back what you would never say to his or her face; flattery is saying to a person's face what you would never say behind his or her back." (John Blanchard)...the Scripture in numerous places warns of the danger of false flattery...Prov. 28:26b - "...a flattering mouth works ruin."...Jude describes ungodly people with this graphic phrase - "...they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage."...that doesn't mean we should not compliment others...means we shouldn't do so in an insincere way with impure motives...fourth type of harmful speech identified by Kent Hughes is...
--destructive criticism - Some people seem to delight in pointing out mistakes and shortcomings of others...while they seldom praise, they are quick to criticize...few people have been completely free from the sting of destructive criticism...and few people have been free from the guilt of directing such criticism toward others...need to understand if we are characterized by negative, critical spirit toward others, good indication that we're really not satisfied with our own lives...

3.      And to Kent Hughes’ list of harmful types of speech, I would add two other words...
--profanity - The wide-spread use and acceptance of what once was labeled “gutter language” is an obvious outward sign of the moral decay which has infected our culture... language which at one time was unthinkable has now become commonplace in movies, lyrics to popular songs, and even television...for Christians to use such language reflects poorly on the Lord we serve and for us to talk that way is both disrespectful and harmful to those around us...
--lying - Of all people, God’s people should speak the truth... the Bible teaches that Satan is the father of lies and that Jesus is the truth...we are explicitly instructed in Scripture, “Do not lie to one another...” [Colossians 3:9]...most lies are told in an attempt to minimize or cover-up some problem but invariably they end up making the problem worse and hurting people more...
4.      If we are going to follow the instruction of I Peter 3:10 to “refrain [our] tongues from evil and [our] lips from speaking guile...” then our speech must not be characterized by gossip, innuendo, false flattery, destructive criticism, profanity, or lying...
1.      Dr. Curtis Vaughan, one of my seminary professors, tells a story about a little girl who had her arms wrapped around her father’s neck...the girl’s mother noticed that she was looking over her father’s shoulder sticking her tongue out at her brother...the mother said, “Take your arms from around your father’s neck.  You cannot love your father and at the same time stick your tongue out at his son.”
2.      And if we really love God our love for Him will be demonstrated in how we speak to and about others...we should watch how we talk because God is watching us...
II.  To get the most out of life, we should watch how we walk

1.      Look at what verse 11 tells us...”And let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.”...if you look carefully at that statement you will see our walk as Christians should involve two things...


·         First, we are to make good choices - We are to choose reject evil (that’s what the phrase “turn away” means) and we are to choose to do good instead.  The basic idea behind the statement about “turning away from evil and doing good” is that we are to have the right priorities, the right values in life.  We are to invest our lives in things that matter, things that are eternal, things that will not pass away.  And in a culture like ours, a culture which tends to value things over people, that is often difficult to do.


I don’t know the original author of the following quote, but I think it is well said.  Someone has pointed out that when we stand before God…

“God won’t ask ---, but He will ask ---

--what kind of car you drove...how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.

--the square footage of your house...how many people you welcomed into your home.

--how many material possessions you had...if they dictated your life.

--how many promotions you received...how you promoted others.

--what you did to help yourself...what you did to help others.

--how many friends you had...how many people to whom you were a true friend.

--in what neighborhood you lived...how your treated your neighbors.

God’s people should make good choices in life.  That is one thing it means to watch how we walk.


·         Secondly, we are to live in harmony with others - The last part of v.11 says we are to “...seek peace and pursue it...”  This is a reminder

--to be peace makers not trouble makers...

--to bring people together rather than driving them apart...

--to be a calming influence on those around us rather than stirring people up to conflict and strife...

At least three times in the New Testament we are commanded to “…live in peace…”  with one another.  One of those commands comes directly from Jesus, Himself (see Mark 9:50).        




As I began to study these verses this week, found the words of that little children’s song running through my mind...among other things the song says:

“Be careful little mouth what you say.  Be careful little mouth what you say. For the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little mouth what you say.


“Be careful little hands what you do...


“Be careful little feet where you go...


In this passage the Bible tells us that God is watching...look at the first part of v.12...”For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous...”