1 Peter 4:1-6

I Peter 4:1-6
(A Bible Study Led by Dr. Larry Reynolds)
October 17, 2013
1.      The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States simply says:
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
2.      In this session we are going to focus on a passage which instructs us to “arm ourselves”...look in your Bibles to I Peter 4:1-6...notice the command in the very first part of this passage about “arming ourselves”...
3.      The Greek word translated “arm yourselves” in v.1 is used only here in the NT…the word was used to describe a soldier putting on his armor, taking up his weapons, and preparing for battle...
4.      We live in a rough and tumble world...life is often like a battle...and certainly believers are engaged in a great spiritual battle…just as a soldier needs weapons to help him in battle, so we need resources to deal with the difficulties/challenges we invariably will face in life...in this paragraph Peter reminds us of some of the resources with which we should arm ourselves...want you to see some of those resources today...
I.       We are to arm ourselves with the right priority in life

1.      When a person comes to faith in Christ, one of the first things which happens is that the priorities of that person’s life begin to change...Peter describes that change in the last part of v.1 with the phrase “ceased from sin”...the verb translated “ceased from” means “to be done with” or “to be released from”...doesn’t mean that a Christian never sins...it means that the desire of our heart, the priority of our lives, the thing for which we long is not disobedience to God but obedience to God... The whole point is that as believers follow Christ’s example of suffering, so too, His example of victory over sin. We are new creatures in Christ! We must live like it. Christlikeness is the will of God (cf. Rom. 8:29; Gal. 4:14; Eph. 1:4; 2:10). It reflects the fact that the image of God lost in the Fall (cf. Gen. 3) is fully restored in Christ. Christians have a choice again on how they will live. They are no longer slaves of sin! Walk in Him![1]
2.      In first part of v.2 Peter reminds us that we just have so much time in this world...during the time that we have, which Peter refers to as “the rest of the time in the flesh” we can choose to live for ourselves or to live for God...we can choose to live for what v.2 calls “the lusts of men” (which is further described in v.3) or we can choose to live for “the will of God...”
3.      But we can’t choose both at the same time...we either prioritize our lives in a way that reflects the way of the world or we prioritize our lives in a way that reflects the will of God...as Jesus said in Matthew 7:24 - “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.”... and in the same passage He said, “...for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...”...
4.      And this passage in I Peter reminds us that life is better when our hearts are focused not on self-gratification but the will of God...
1.      At 4:00 a.m. in the morning of May 1, 1873, David Livingstone, the famous missionary to and explorer of Africa, was found dead in a hut built for him by some natives in a small African village... he was kneeling beside his bed in prayer when he died...in accordance with the custom of the people living in that part of Africa, while Livingstone’s body was sent back to England for burial in Westminster Abbey, his heart was buried under a tree in his beloved Africa near the hut in which he died...
2.      If your heart were to be buried in the place you loved most during your time in this world, the place of your highest priority, where would that place be?....would it be in some physical pleasure?...would it be in material possessions?...would it be in some recreational activity?...would it be in some award or achievement?...
3.      Our ultimate priority, our highest purpose according to I Peter 4:2 should be living “for the will of God...”...not only should we arm ourselves with the right priority, but this part of God’s Word tells us to...
II.  We should arm ourselves with the right relationships

1.      When a person comes to faith in Jesus Christ, not only do that person’s priorities begin to change, but his/her relationships begin to change as well...new priorities result in new relationships...
2.      That’s the basic point of v.4...there Peter says that when a person becomes a Christian, at least some of the old relationships are broken...we no longer run with the same crowd...we no longer do the things which once dominated our lives...I like the way the v.4 is paraphrased in the Living Bible:  “Of course, your former friends will be very surprised when you don’t eagerly join them any more in the wicked things they do, and they will laugh at you in contempt and scorn.”...
3.      People who do not know Christ cannot understand the radical change which occurs in the lives of those who come to faith in Christ...
1.      And it is vitally important that we have in our lives people who do understand our spiritual commitments and who encourage us and support us and help us along the way...and that is one purpose of the Christian fellowship…in our relationships with fellow believers we find a support group to help us stay on track, to hold us accountable, to nurture us in the faith...
2.      The Christian life is a life of community, of fellowship with other believers...we need each other...we cannot be what God intends for us to be apart from healthy relationships with other believers...
3.      Tragically, many Christians try to live the Christian life apart from meaningful relationships with other Christians...no-one to watch out for them, to encourage them, to support them...

4.      And it should not be that way...this part of God’s Word instructs us to arm ourselves with right relationships...and in addition to arming ourselves with the right relationships and the right priority, this part of God’s Word instructs us to...


III.  Arm ourselves with the right perspective

1.      Verses 5-6 and this paragraph remind us that this world is not all there is...we are destined for eternity and we are destined for a time of judgment and accountability...remembering that helps us keep things in this life in proper perspective...

2.      Verse 6 has been the subject of much debate among biblical interpreters.  This has been interpreted as referring to (a) those who are spiritually “dead in sin,” (b) those who heard and believed the gospel but have since died, (c) those who died without hearing or believing the gospel. Barclay preferred the third interpretation, assuming that 3:19 refers to Christ’s preaching to the dead. Consequently he believed that here “was a breathtaking glimpse of a gospel of a second chance.” This interpretation has no scriptural support and is contrary to orthodox Christian doctrine (cf. v. 5).[2]

3.      In Milan, Italy there is a cathedral which at its main entrance has a large triple doorway...

--over the doorway to one side there is beautiful carving of roses and underneath the carving is the inscription, “All that which pleases is but for a moment.”

--over the doorway to the other side is a carving of a cross and underneath that carving is the inscription, “All that which troubles us is but for a moment.”

--and over the center doorway which leads to the main isle of the cathedral there is not carving but simply an inscription which reads, “That only is important which is eternal.”

4.      And remembering those three truths will help us keep the right perspective in life...focusing on that which is eternal will keep us from being—

--too caught up in pleasures...

--too overwhelmed by troubles...

5.      This part of God’s Word reminds us to arm ourselves with the right perspective...


1.      Willie Nelson, the aging country singer from the hill country around Austin, is well known not just for his music but also for his well publicized use of marijuana…he has been quoted as saying about marijuana, “...It’s good for stress which is the biggest killer on the planet.  If you need some temporary help in getting through the day, cannabis (another name for marijuana) is the best way.” [DMN, Oct.25, 2000]

2.      Of course there is a much better way to deal with the pressures and stresses of life than that...that better way is spelled out for us in this part of God’s Word...arm yourself, equip yourself with the right—

--priority...the priority of God’s will...

--right relationships...people who will nurture and encourage you

--right perspective...viewing life in terms of eternity...

That’s the best way to deal with the pressures we face in this world...


[1] Utley, R. J. D. (2000). Vol. Volume 2: The Gospel according to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter. Study Guide Commentary Series (252). Marshall, Texas: Bible Lessons International.
[2] Raymer, R. M. (1985). 1 Peter. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, Ed.) (1 Pe 4:6). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.